Heartbeat TV series
Heartbeat a popular TV drama series was broadcast between 1992 and 2010 with 18 series produced. The 1960s period drama based on the ‘Constable” novels written by ex-police officer Peter N Walker, originally aired on Friday evenings. Before the show was moved to a prime time Sunday evening slot and soon captured the nation by becoming a popular family entertainment show with weekly viewing figures regularly exceeding 10 million people. The show was originally launched around ex Eastenders actor Nick Berry who played local bobby PC Nick Rowan in the 1960s period drama. Weekly storyline plots in the show would feature the local police officers protecting the fictional town of Ashfordly and Aidensfield village in North Yorkshire.
Tricia Penrose entered the show in series 2 playing the role of Gina Ward a barmaid working in the local Aidensfield Arms and would later become the landlady. Viewers of the hit ITV show in the UK soon became captivated with her onscreen romance to policeman Phil Bellamy played by actor Mark Jordon. Tricia still regularly visits Goathland the actual village used for filming Heartbeat to meet fans of the Heartbeat show attending officially organised gatherings and reminisce about the long-running TV series.